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Showing posts from March, 2019

culture review sheet exam 2

Sociology of Culture Prof. Gabe Ignatow Review Sheet for Exam 2 on Friday March 31 The second exam will cover the following course readings from the syllabus: Ruth Benedict, The Concept of Culture Clifford Geertz, Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture Richard Shweder, "On the Return of the 'Civilizing' Project" Emile Durkheim, The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, Introduction and Chapter 1 Film: "Warriors of the Amazon" Sulkunen, Pekka. Sociology Made Visible: On the Cultural Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu Pierre Bourdieu, Social Space and Symbolic Power Bourdieu, The Field of Cultural Production (read through pg. 40) and The Market of Symbolic Goods Sam Friedman, Habitus clivé and the emotional imprint of social mobility You should be able to define and discuss all of the following terms (this list is not exhaustive): cultural anthropology synchronic analysis diachronic analysis c

theory exam 2 review sheet

Introduction to Sociological Theory Review Sheet for Exam 2 Friday March 22  in class You should be able to define and discuss all of the following terms. Note that this list is a guide only, and everything from the lectures and readings for this section of the course can be included on the exam. Ferdinand Toennies Gemeinschaft (Community) Gesellschaft (Society) Georg Simmel Social Networks Social Physics Mechanical solidarity Organic solidarity Emile Durkheim Mechanical Solidarity Organic Solidarity Similarity Functional Inderdependence Anomie Karl Marx The Communist Manifesto Das Kapital Class conflict Capitalists Bourgeoisie Proletariat Base and superstructure Control of the means of production Capitalism’s internal contradictions False consciousness Class consciousness Revolutionary intellectuals Alienation De-skilling Routinization Boredom Socialism Thorstein Veblen Conspicuous consumption