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Showing posts from January, 2010

Sociology of Morality: Groups have been assigned

You have all been assigned to groups on our wetpaint wiki page. If you want to change groups, find someone who is willing to trade, but let me know what you're doing. Don't hesitate to start posting your ideas about the assignment. Your grade for this assignment is partly based on participation, after all.

SOC 4000: Intro Theory: If you want to email your group...

If you'd like to email the members of your group, you can try to figure out who's who from this list: Otherwise, you have to hope they'll look at the group's wiki page. But don't wait! You can brainstorm and contribute to your page right away.

SOC. 4260 Global Society: groups have been assigned

You can all find your groups on the Wiki site ( ) by searching your last name in the search box on the top right of the main page. Get to work as soon as you are ready. The only things that are graded are 1) each group's paper, and 2) the amount each group member contributes to the paper (this is mainly to prevent free-riding ). GI

Intro. Sociological Theory group assignments

To find your group, just log in to the Wiki site and search your last name in the search box on the top right of the page. Here is your assignment: Group Writing Assignment Use your group's page to write a 4-page paper, with a reference page of 4 or more non-Internet-only references, that answers the following question. Karl Marx is dead, but are his ideas? Discuss the relevance or irrelevance of some of Marx's most important ideas, with reference to current events in the United States or elsewhere. A hard copy of the 4-pages (plus a reference page) assignment is due in class February 4.

Sociology 4000

As many of you have noticed, the page numbers on the on-line syllabus refer to a previous edition of the theory reader. I'll fix it on Monday, but generally, it's enough if your reading just keeps up with the lectures. I won't give quizzes or exams on anything I haven't discussed in class. Also, I'll add dates to the readings on the syllabus. GI