Introduction to Sociological Theory Review Sheet for Exam 1 Thursday September 26 in class The 1 st exam will cover the course readings on the syllabus through Karl Marx. You should be able to define and discuss all of the following terms. Note that this list is a guide only, and everything from the lectures and readings for this section of the course can be included on the exam. Readings: C. W. Mills VIII-37 Weber on Verstehen III-11 Durkheim’s Suicide II-8 Marx on false consciousness I-2 Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Thomas Malthus, and Davis and Moore (lecture only) Toennies on Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft (lecture only) Simmel on urban life IV-16, 17 Durkheim and mechanical and organic solidarity II-6 Marx on the proletariat, bourgeosie, and capitalists I-1,3,4,5 Film: "Masters of Money" What is sociological theory? What is a theory? C. Wright Mills “false consciousness” Suicide and social integration “Anomic Suicide” ...