Introduction to Sociological Theory Review Sheet for Exam 1 Thursday October 4 in class The 1 st exam will cover the course readings on the syllabus through Thorstein Veblen on the leisure class. You should be able to define and discuss all of the following terms. Note that this list is a guide only, and everything from the lectures and readings for this section of the course can be included on the exam. Readings: C. W. Mills VIII-37 Weber on Verstehen III-11 Durkheim’s Suicide II-8 Marx on false consciousness I-2 Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Thomas Malthus, and Davis and Moore (lecture only) Toennies on Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft (lecture only) Simmel on urban life IV-16, 17 Durkheim and mechanical and organic solidarity II-6 Marx on the proletariat, bourgeosie, and capitalists I-1,3,4,5 Film: "Masters of Money" Weber on Class, Stande, Conflict, and Rationalization III-13,14,15 Thorstein Veblen on the leisure class V-24 What...