“Stimulating Local Economies through Globalization” Linh Quach President of Q International Inc. A discussion of work in international sourcing and manufacturing and global economic integration. February 25, 11-12:15am, Biology 419 BIOGRAPHY LINH T. QUACH, Founder Linh T. Quach founded Q International, Inc. in 2003 and shortly after, left her corporate management position with American Airlines to concentrate on her company’s growth. While at American, she had the unique opportunity to facilitate the bilateral agreement between American and Vietnam Airlines which inspired her to look for further opportunities to help both countries rebuild their war-torn relationship. Realizing that this agreement was a significant catalyst to opening doors for further commercial relationships between the two countries, Ms. Quach has dedicated her career to building the bridge for both countries to benefit from each other’s needs and resources. In turn, her company’s focus is to help sma...