Introduction to Sociological Theory Prof. Gabe Ignatow Review Sheet for Mid-term Exam I. (October 10 in class) The 1 st mid-term exam will cover the course readings on the syllabus through (i.e. including) Pierre Bourdieu. You should be able to define and discuss all of the following terms: C. Wright Mills Karl Marx Max Weber Emile Durkheim Thorstein Veblen Charles Darwin Auguste Comte Thomas Malthus Herbert Spencer Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore Ferdinand Toennies Georg Simmel Thorstein Veblen Pierre Bourdieu What is sociological theory? What is a theory? “false consciousness” Suicide and social integration Functionalism Conflict theory Inequality Cultural Theory Values Rituals Socialization Organic analogy Theological stage Metaphysical stage Positivist stage Natural selection “survival of the fittest” “Laws of Population Growth” Meritocracy Gemeinschaft (“Community”) Ges...